「 謝謝你,出現在我的青春裡。 」

- 我的少女時代

Time for Goodbye


  離別總是來的突然,就連這次也不例外。理想混蛋唱過,手中的地圖沒標示方向 , 只有與生俱來的渴望。因此,我之前從舊補習班換到新補習班去時,我的母親便跟我說過,當我們要學的東西不一樣的時候,就會去到不一樣的地方。與其悲傷難過,我想給予感恩與祝福還是最為實際的。怡慧老師您在我生命中的出現,為我帶來了許多能量。在我剛離開國小時,我的心靈其實有一些受傷,直到現在我還在試著調整自己。不過,在您帶的這兩個班上,我找到了可以相信的東西、以及一個不需要每天戰戰兢兢面對的地方。我想沒有了這些,我的人生與未來會截然不同。

  不久前才剛結束的金曲獎頒獎典禮讓我們見證了音樂所帶來的巨大力量。而我想藉著三首歌,分別是盧廣仲的幾分之幾小賈斯汀的Lifetime、還有泰勒斯的Bigger than the whole sky引領著我道出心中想要傾訴的言語。

「 那一天你走進了我的生命,
如果我又更完整一點 也是因為你 」

幾分之幾 - 電影〈花甲大人轉男孩〉主題曲

Dear Tr. Teresa:


  For a teenager, four years is definitely a long period. Time flies, as if it is sqeezed into a narrow passage of moments; time will not fly, as if I am paralyzed like Taylor Swift's song. I cannot imagine that I am about to leave one of the most important person in my life.

  It's simply fortunate to have you during one of the most important times in my life. Right now, I feel like a foreign traveler standing at the intersection, and your guidance is like a map with prospects and a sense of hope. Sometimes, I wonder if you're "brainwashing" me to boost my morale, but your intelligent words have taught me my potential to become more than just an little boy.

  Moreover, for the past four years, you always make everything on the schedule and my parents and I need no worry about troublesome stuffs in the school, which allows me to focus on my studies completely, and I really really appreciate it. Therefore, I would like to show my gratefulness through these three of my favorite songs.

“ Some people bring you a million blessings,
Some people teach you a million lessons.
All that I learned, it wasn't my turn.
It wasn't the right time.
Some people come in your life for a reason,
Others they come in your life for a season ”

Justin Bieber - Lifetime

The Destiny


  Sometimes, I gaze at the stars and think about the wondrous and enchanting nature of destiny. In the movie “A Wrinkle in Time”, Mrs. Which said, “Do you realize how many events, choices that had to occur since the birth of the universe leading up to the making of you?” Whenever I felt downcast due to failure or parting with my love ones, this line always taught me that all of the things and the people I came across had made who I currently am. We are here in Yangtze because many people made many decisions sequentially, and it must also be a bunch of choices on your leaving. All of the events and decisions lead us to who we are, and I am sure that it is called the destiny.

  I clearly understand that every decision has its reasoning. As my favorite books "The Alchemist" says " when someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision. " Only after one and half year are we facing the GSAT, and I wish I can share my happiness with you then.

“ Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
You were bigger than the whole sky,
You were more than just a short time. ”

Taylor Swift - Bigger Than The Whole Sky



  Honestly, my words are not capable to thoroughly represent my complicated feelings. You give me courage, teaching us how to learn English through taking notes and underlining important usages in the textbook ,and even showing me the direction of every possibility. There are more than these, which make it impossible to mention everything in one time. I'll definitely miss our excellent wallpapers, our glories, and everything we've done.

  I think that it is impossible for you to estimate how much good things and influence you have brought to my life, and I will keep all of them well deep in my mind. Look where we are, we have come so far, and there is still a long long way to go.(This used to be my favorite song when I was little, but now it gets a deeper meanings and contains countless fantastic memories.) Thank you for being a fraction of my life, and my heart will be filled with gratefulness when I review all the unforgettable days we share together.

  Finally, feel free if you'd like to visit us on our activities such as campus carnival and sports competition, and please accept best wishes with all my heart. Bon voyage!

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