本校英文演講比賽會邀請外國籍的英文老師擔任評審。題目是An Unforgettable Experience, 我們必須針對這個題目擬一份演講稿,並在約三分鐘的時間完整表達演說內容。
本校英文演講比賽會邀請外國籍的英文老師擔任評審。題目是An Unforgettable Experience, 我們必須針對這個題目擬一份演講稿,並在約三分鐘的時間完整表達演說內容。
在這次的競賽中,我花了很多時間準備,並成功奪下不錯的名次。 在擬稿的過程,我借用了我們班級導師帶我們去特教學校志工服務的難忘經驗, 並在老師的指導下才能夠完成這場表演。而評審老師們雖然給我不錯的分數, 但是他們的評語有其中一點讓我銘記在心,那便是「演講不是說故事比賽」。 也因此,我才了解,如果想要讓別人真摯的理解自己的想法,不需要誇張的表演與修辭, 而是要以詼諧平常的口氣才能把話說進別人的心中。
Are you consistently complaining about people around you, or are you invariably feeling
dissatisfied with your body, appearance, and life? If so, I am telling you that you are way more
blessed than you think.
While studying in junior high school, my class volunteered at a specialized education
school. We helped those Physically Challenged students clean their environment. Despite not being
allowed to enter their classroom, we ran into a few disabled students while cleaning. With regular
physical function, climbing stairs is nothing arduous for me; however, I was shocked as I saw a
young boy, maybe with infantile paralysis, trying hard to get upstairs. He yelled and cried, but
what he did not do was give up. As soon as he made the last step, I nearly burst into tears.
Unfortunately, he was not in the most pitiful condition. In this school, hundreds of kids are
dealing with their problems. In the world, a hundred million adults are struggling to fight against
their disabilities.
So are you still feeling that you are the least lucky one in the world? Although
everyone wants to pursue perfection, being dissatisfied makes us unavoidably more unhappy and
depressed. Gratefulness is like a candle. If we all have it in our hearts, we will see a brighter
and better world.