Campus Tour



1. 目標:
  "To help students think critically, listen actively, speak clearly, write precisely and communicate effectively in English."
  藉由口說的方式,除了能夠訓練我們英語口說的能力以外, 更能夠讓平常學得模稜兩可的東西在現實生活中獲得應用。

2. 分組討論:

3. 過程:

4. 小組發表:
  給予每組約 3-4 分鐘,進行實地演練。

5. 成果:



  在這次活動中,我主要負責用英語介紹我們的導師室。而我個人認為這次活動的結果並非臻至完美,我從這次活動學到提前規畫並完成任務的重要性。 如果提早開始工作,或許我們的壁報能夠更加美麗,我的英語介紹橋段也能夠更加流暢。 然而,校園導覽的活動很大程度的提升了我對英語表達的信心與成就感,我也學到了很多用來介紹校園的語彙。 感謝老師與同學們讓我有機回進行如此有教育意義且有趣的活動!



  Welcome to the amazing mediterranean school in Yunlin, ladies and gentlemen. We are students from Yangtze high school. I'm glad to have the opportunity to introduce our school to you.

  Founded sixty years ago, this school is famous for its blue and white apperance. It is in this school that we can see the pure joy and enthusiasm of teenagers.

  Let's talk about here. This place is called the "tutorship office" according to the sign outside. To get here, firstly, you have to go through the gate and walk straight until you see the corridor on your left;then turn left and walk to the square; finally, you need to recognize those six palm trees. The tutorship office is under them.

  In front of the office, you can see five students standing for punshment. It's so funny that they're asked to carry their textbook because teachers want them to study while they're being punished. When you enter the office, you suppose to lower your voice to respect hard-working teachers.

  There's one thing I find the tutorship office interesting, which is you can simply figure out what the teacher teaches by their books on the desk.

  This is all for today's campus tour guide. See you next time!